about Us

The Louisiana Chapter of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (LA-ASMBS) is dedicated to advancing the care of the bariatric patient in the state of Louisiana.
Through a statewide network of bariatric surgeons and associate members, LA-ASMBS is actively engaged in legislative efforts and advocacy focused on improving quality and access to care for Louisiana residents.​
The LA-ASMBS promotes fellowship among the state’s bariatric providers as well facilitating the active interchange of ideas and best practices through educational events and annual meetings.
Sponsorship of public events is promoted as a way to increase public awareness of the problem of obesity in the state of Louisiana.
LA-ASMBS seeks to enroll all practicing bariatric providers in the state of Louisiana and speak with one voice for the bariatric patients of our state.
Vance Albough, MD
Laura Boyer, FNP-CIH
Integrated Health
William Richardson, MD​
Immediate Past President
​Shauna Levy, MD
Michael Cook, MD
James Parrish, MD
Salim Hosein, MD
Past Presidents
William Richardson, MD, FASMBS 2019-2021
James Redmann, MD, FASMBS 2017-2019
Todd Belott, MD 2016
Uyen Chu, MD 2015
James Parrish, MD 2014
Rachel Moore, MD 2013